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Personalized plans for you.


Our custom plans are made based on your current body, dietary and lifestyle preferences. All plans are flexible to accommodate travel, injury or unexpected stressors.

It all started with one coaching experience

Andrew met Kat through the fitness industry online, but they became friends when Kat coached Andrew and his wife on their nutrition. 


He was so impressed with Kat's coaching they had the idea to join forces. Andrew had an existing fitness business that perfectly complemented Kat's coaching. They sat down at a coffee shop to plan out the business, and within a few months, they began coaching clients with amazing results. 


Fast forward to today, Kat and Andrew have coached hundreds of clients. Alta has grown exclusively by word of mouth. They pride themselves on getting results for their clients in a way that doesn't disrupt other priorities such as family, friends, travel, or career. 


Hi! I'm Kat.

My interest in holistic nutrition and wellness started the day I decided to stop listening to everyone else and listen to the signals my own body was sending me. My relationship to food was toxic. I battled bulimia and anorexia in my teens. In my early twenties I developed binge eating disorder, a macro counting obsession and excessive exercise habits on top of eating a vegetarian diet for most of my adolescent years. I could take any fitness fad or diet trend and take it to the extreme.


Throughout this time I had all sorts of health dysfunctions like chronic digestive distress, hormonal imbalances, blood sugar dysregulation and rapid weight gain to name a few, but no medical diagnosis could be made. I was desperate for an answer, so I started researching and trying things out.


I began following a holistic approach to reduce the amount of stressors firing at my body by eliminating highly inflammatory foods, following a regular sleep schedule, meditation and being more intentional with my exercise regimen. I immediately noticed my digestion improve and with consistency over time all my other health problems eased up and my body felt balanced. My eating disorders and toxic relationship with food faded and I began to really love food for what it is, a tasty form of energy that lets me do what I love to do and do it well.


I became a personal trainer to motivate people and feel the amazing benefits of routine weight training. I quickly learned that nutrition and lifestyle factors are a massive component for my clients to achieve results, just like they were with myself. I began pursuing multiple certifications to deepen my education and learn more about nutrient bioavailability, chronic inflammation, holistic lifestyle and behavior coaching so I could teach these principles to clients.


After graduating the Nutritional Therapy Associate I became Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition through the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. My insatiable love for nutrition and wellness will keep me learning and making sure my clients are getting the most effective coaching possible.


Throughout my career have seen my clients build the habits to lose weight, go from intensive food tracking to intuitive eating, improve gut health, improve athletic performance and energy levels, balance hormones, get pregnant, relieve SIBO and candida, eliminate emotional eating and yo-yo dieting, cook and meal prep on a regular basis and most importantly, shut up the self limiting beliefs that kept them from starting in the first place.


Hi! I'm Andrew.

Unlike a lot of my friends, I did not find fitness until later in life. I was not much of an athlete. I never really enjoyed going to the gym. 


When I got my first full-time job in New York City after college, I quickly realized that a desk job was bad for my health (and it wasn't going to get better for... 30 years!?). It also made me realize I did love fitness all along, but it was just one piece of my life. I used to play volleyball with friends, go for hikes, or just explore New York, but that all changed quickly. Suddenly I found myself sitting all day, drinking too much, eating out constantly, and I felt the effects. 


Then something amazing happened. 


I started to carve out 3 hours a week, no matter what, to exercise. Even though my job was incredibly busy I needed that space. And guess what - everything in my life got better. It was like a super power. I was happier, healthier, and even though I worked less hours I became better at my job. 


Instead of feeling burnt out and getting passed up for promotions, I became a top performer by working less and focusing more on my health. I enjoyed my career, looked better, had more time with family... all because I prioritized my self. This made me study fitness and productivity even more. Over the years I've acquired multiple certifications in fitness and nutrition. I use much of the spare time I have to continue my education by listening to podcasts and reading books about exercise, sleep, productivity, and more. 


I'm a Dad now so my #1 priority in life is to be a good Dad and husband. But I realize that self-care is family care. If you don't have enough time to prioritize your health because of your job or your family, I promise you it's possible to have it all. You may just need a coach like I had.  I believe in the power of coaching. There were four different coaches in my life in the last year and I wouldn't be here without them. 


Join Over 200+ Success Stories

In just a few months they lost fat and built muscle, while eating foods they love and living life. Will you be next? 

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